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Michael Lindemann
Editor, ISCNI*Flash
Witnesses Say Military Found Structured Object, Not Meteorite
[The Kecksburg Incident of 1965 numbers among a handful of alleged UFO crash recoveries for which there is substantial eyewitness testimony and documentary evidence. Stan Gordon is the foremost civilian investigator of this incident and is calling for further eyewitness assistance to finally resolve what really happened. ISCNI*Flash thanks Stan for permission to reprint the following story, which ran in a number of Pennsylvania newspapers in early December.]
By Stan Gordon
It was late afternoon on December 9, 1965, when a large fireball was reported in the sky from Canada as well as sections of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The bright aerial object caused much excitement as it passed over the Pittsburg and Greensburg area. At about 4:47pm, according to a number of observers, the object dropped slowly into a wooded ravine near the rural community of Kecksburg in Westmoreland County [Pennsylvania]. Many observers thought that an aircraft was on fire. It was later determined by local authorities that no airplanes were missing. It is reported that after the object had fallen, various types of activity began to occur around this village during the next few hours.
Volunteer firemen began to search a large wooded area for a possible downed aircraft. Many witnesses describe military personnel and equipment arriving in the area. Pittsburg area radio and TV dicussed reports about the sightings, and hundreds of curious people descended on the area to try to see what the strange object might be.
The late John Murphy, who at the time was the news director for WHJB radio in Greensburg, reported that he was on the scene when the state police, fire marshall and other investigators arrived. They went down into the area with a geiger counter. Later after returning, they were approached by Murphy; and when the fire marshall was asked about what was found, among his comments were, "You better get your information from the Army."
Firemen drove military officers on a fire vehicle down through the fields toward the wooded impact site, but these firemen were not permitted to go near the object. Various observers claim that the military utilized a small farm house near the impact site, as well as the Keckburg Fire Department truck station as a command center during the evening of the event.
A narrow country road overlooking the wooded area which was the target of the search was jammed with the curious. Among the crowd were reporters and cameramen from area TV, radio and newspaper sources. During the evening, the firemen helped state police block off roads around the alleged crash site. As the night wore on, the crowd slowly began to disperse, since it was too far away to see anything from that location in the dark.
That evening people reported seeing a military flatbed trailer truck moving in the direction of the reported impact location. The trailer went in empty, but returned later with a military jeep escort, loaded with a large object shaped like a bell and covered with a tarpaulin.
Word spread around to those in the area that night that what was found was a meteorite. Independent eyewitnesses who were able to get into the woods before the military arrived claimed that they came across an object which was constructed and was not a meteorite. They described a large solid metallic object large enough for a man to stand inside of. The object was shaped like an acorn, was of an odd gold bronze-copper color and was one solid metal structure. Just above the bottom of the object was a bumper-like area, which had upon it unusual markings described as looking similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The next day the state police reported that nothing was found, and the report from the Pentagon was that what was seen was likely a meteor passing through the sky.
In recent years, information has come forth that the object was transported that night to Lockborne Air Force Base in Columbus, Ohio, for a short stayover. The object then was transported to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. It is at that location that informants tell us the object was sealed up under special conditions inside of a building. Where the object is today is not known.
I have spent years searching for the truth about what happened at Kecksburg, and I have attempted to identify what it was that reportedly fell from the sky that day. We do have confirmation that a Soviet satellite, actually a Venus probe called KOSMOS 96, did re-enter the Earth's atmosphere at 3:18 a.m. in Canada on that same date. KOSMOS 96 can't be ruled out as a source of this mystery. Some of those who saw the object, however, are not convinced of a man-made explanation and believe that the object could have been of extraterrestrial origin. Regardless of what this object was, one fo the biggest mysteries about the event is our government's position on this occurrence.
I have in my possession a copy of the Air Force Project Blue Book report concerning the Kecksburg (aka Acme) incident. The contents show a great deal of interest in the sighting from various government agencies. More importantly, it verifies that three men from the 662nd Radar Squadron, which was then based in Pittsburg, were involved in the search for the object. The report states: "A three man team has been dispatched to Acme to investigate and pick up an object that started a fire." The report indicates that the search continued until about 2 a.m. and that nothing was found.
I have obtained the records for December of 1965 of the 662nd Radar Squadron. Interestingly, even though the Air Force report and newspaper accounts verify that personnel from that unit were involved at Kecksburg, there is no mention of this activity in their records. This appears to indicate that this mission was classified.
The personnel from that unit would have been Air Force. Many observers at Kecksburg describe seeing Army equipment and soldiers as well. My search for military and government documents that would verify this incident continues. There have been numerous attempts for years to obtain such material. Informants have told me that such documents did exist on the Kecksburg recovery. In 1994 another attempt was made to find out about any special recovery or search activity in the area near Kecksburg.
Among the information received were the facts that a search by combined intelligence center officials of the U.S. Space Command/NORAD intelligence data center revealed no unusual re-entry phenomena which would have triggered a special recovery or search activity in the designated region during the period of December 1-15, 1965. The official contacted indicated, however, that the records from 30 years ago may not be reliable.
In another correspondence from May, 1995, our government's position on the Kecksburg incident is stated as follows: "Officially the military has completely denied any involvement directly or indirectly with any events surrounding the Kecksburg area on the evening of December 9, 1965."
The military's claim of no involvement at Kecksburg conflicts with multiple eyewitnes testimony, national and local news accounts, and more importantly their own Air Force records which I have on file. Something happened 30 years ago in Western Pennsylvania. The Kecksburg incident has attracted a great amount of public interest, and it continues to draw national and international attention.
Among the many eyewitnesses that night at Kecksburg were news reporters who saw and talked witih military personnel. The office manager of WHJB radio in Greensburg at the time has stated that she helped to handle the large number of phone calls that the station was receiving about the sightings of the object. She says that among those calling were the military, who were asking for information about what was seen and requesting directions to the site.
On this 30th anniversay of the Kecksburg incident, I am making an appeal to the public for information on this case, as well as support in asking your Congressional representatives to conduct an investigation on this matter, where witnesses can describe what took place and documentation can be presented. I am asking any person who was at Kecksburg on that date and observed any activity associated with this event, or who saw the object, to contact me. Any information about what you saw, no matter how small, is important in solving this matter. If you were part of the military operation that night at Kecksburg, please contact me. If you have any photographs or other evidence that pertain to this event, or newsclippings from that time, I would like to hear from you. You may contact me confidentially.
[Stan Gordon can be contacted by mail at: 6 Oakhill Avenue, Greensburg, PA 15601; or by phone or fax at: 412-838-7768. Confidentiality, if requested, will be guaranteed.]
"Nothing could be more irrational than to give the people power and withhold from them information without which power is abused."
The popular NBC television series "Unsolved Mysteries" ran a lengthy re-enactment of the Kecksburg incident on September 19, 1990 (it has been replayed several times since). Following the showing, Stan Gordon received calls from several people who claimed further information. Gordon enlisted the aid of well-known UFO crash investigator, the late Leonard Stringfield, in interviewing two of these witnesses. As reported by Stringfield in his "Status Report VI: The Inner Sanctum" (July 1991, p. 56-8), these two people were cousins who worked together for a large brick and tile company in Ohio. Stringfield calls them Myron and JS.
These witnesses said they delivered a special order of unusual glazed bricks to a large building adjacent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, a few days following the reported Kecksburg incident of December 9, 1965. JS made one delivery by himself and told Stringfield he saw a large bell-shaped object sitting on a flatbed trailer, covered with a tarpaulin, just outside the building. The next day, Myron and JS each drove a truckload of bricks to the same location. They were met by military personnel who escorted them to the designated unloading spot, just outside the large building. Myron says he too saw the trailer, now empty, which he described as an "Army 35 foot long tri-axel lowboy." The area was abuzz with activity. Both witnesses said that many of the military personnel were Navy.
Myron said they took quite a while to off-load the bricks by hand, and that they observed many military personnel in some kind of protective outfits coming and going from the building. At one point, he wandered over to an open door and peeked inside. He told Stringfield he saw the bell-shaped object very clearly inside. A scaffold had been erected next to it, from which several men were evidently working on the object. Myron said the object was about ten feet tall and somewhat less than ten feet wide at the base. JS (who only saw the object shrouded in a tarp) made a similar size estimate. Myron also said that the object showed signs of charring but was obviously metallic and mostly bronze colored.
Both Myron and JS said they observed workers with welding or cutting equipment. Myron later saw one of the welders outside the building and asked him what he was doing. The worker, Myron says, told him that they had attempted to open the object with a variety of cutting tools but had so far failed. Myron said the worker also alluded to the interior of the object being "hot," probably meaning radiation; and he mentioned the possibility of bodies inside.
Myron told Stringfield that the specialized brick was to be used to build a double-walled, lead-lined enclosure suitable for housing an object that might leak radiation.
Wright-Patterson was the headquarters of the Air Technical Intelligence Center, where any recovered aircraft-related object of possibly foreign origin would be taken for investigation. Thus it is perfectly plausible that the object found at Kecksburg, if not obviously a meteor, would be taken to Wright-Patterson. Where that object is today, however, remains unknown.
Over the years, various theories have been put forth to explain the Kecksburg object. As this story was being readied for distribution, ISCNI received a note from a "good authority" (who asked for anonymity) who said he knew for certain that the Kecksburg object was the remains of a Soviet satellite. He said the military was highly concerned because they knew the object contained a small nuclear reactor on board -- the Soviets perfected small, efficient reactors suitable for space applications well ahead of the U.S. -- but they were equally impressed that the shielding around the reactor had withstood both reentry and hard landing.
This is a plausible, though not substantiated, explanation for the Kecksburg incident. It this theory is true, however, it should now be possible to get a complete accounting from the military. Today, the U.S. and Russians are sharing nuclear technology for space applications. Thus, there is no longer any reason to withhold the truth about Kecksburg, if it was a 30 year-old Soviet satellite. On the other hand, many researchers do not believe this theory to be true and remain convinced the best explanation for Kecksburg is extraterrestrial.
Recent Reports From Africa, Canada, Mexico and Australia
A Reuters story on January 25 said that authorities in the breakaway state of Somaliland, part of Somalia prior to 1991, were urgently requesting international assistance to investigate UFOs thought to be causing explosions and illness among the populace.
The government of Somaliland said that two explosions in the sky from UFOs were heard in December in the port city of Berbera on the Gulf of Aden and Sol and Sanaag regions to the east and southeast.
"We want the international community urgently to launch a comprehensive investigation into these explosions and what they are doing," a government minister told Reuters on January 24.
An investigative group sent to the area by the government reported that animals behaved strangely after the explosions and some residents fell sick. They said "a frightening thunder-like noise" was heard in the Sanaag, Berbera and Sol regions at 7 a.m. on December 5 and 7 p.m. on December 7.
"A few days after the explosions, inhabitants of the areas came down with various abnormal coughing, diarrhoea, breathing difficulties and headaches," the report said. "The most affected group were children and several were reported to have died.
"Animals in the area showed unusual behaviour of restlessness, irritability and weakness," the report added.
A witness said he saw an aircraft at low altitude flying over the town from the northwest on both dates in December and then heard a deafening explosion that shook the ground and his home.
Other witnesses said they saw a flying object with smoke trailing from it. The report said villagers in Adhiadye and Garadag reported a sudden increase of disease after the booms.
The reported effects might be attributed to some form of chemical agent or to residue from an exploding missile, but none of the warring parties are thought to possess such weapons. The government is opposed by two sub-clan militias, but the most technically-advanced large weapons they have are tanks dating from the 1940s and 1950s and small anti-tank rockets.
The government mission said the most likely explanation was "detonation of a missile booster" because no debris were seen falling from the sky and gases were reported seen burning in various colours.
"No evidence of damage to ground structures, such as the creation of a crater or soil disturbance, caused by a foreign body was observed," said the team, adding its investigation was limited.
Two news stories by P.J. Harston of Northern News Service in Yellowknife, Northern Territory, Canada, dated January 15 and January 22, report a series of sightings of unusual aerial lights in the vicinity of Fort Resolution. The following is a summary of information posted on alt.paranet.ufo.
"An unidentified flying object (UFO) with blue, green and white lights was spotted hovering for almost an hour by about 50 individuals," Harston reported. "The spectacle was so intriguing, the North's top military commander, Col. Pierre Leblanc, travelled to the South Slave community Wednesday night [Jan 10?] with two military investigators." Leblanc and his team flew over the area, interviewed witnesses and optained a copy of a videotape shot by one witness. They intended to take their date back to Defense officials in North Bay, Ontario for further study.
According to Harston's story, Jim Bronskill, a reporter with the Canadian Press, recently researched UFO sightings files at the National Archives in Ottawa and found that UFOs have been reported in the North for as long as records have been kept.
Another witness, Leo Norweigian of Fort Simpson, told of a November sighting after hearing the Fort Resolution report. "He said he had seen a lot of things in his life, but nothing like these lights," Harston wrote. "He said he had seen lots of Northern lights and other atmospheric phenomena, he had even seen an unexplained glowing fireball shoot across the sky 25 years ago. But on Nov. 13, when he and an eight-year-old child witnessed lights on a hovering craft near Fort Simpson similiar to what was reported in Fort Resolution, he was baffled. 'I'm just glad that someone else has seen it too,' he said, admitting he didn't tell too many people about his sighting because he feared he wouldn't be believed."
The Alberta Unidentified Flying Object Research Association has launched an investigation into the recent sightings in the Western Arctic, as more reports of "flashing lights" are coming in from Fort Resolution as well as Hay River, Hay River Reserve and Fort Simpson. "What we'll do is collect as much data on the sightings as we possibly can, look at all the possibilities and forward that information to the witnesses," investigator Cory Sine said, adding that flashing lights like those reported in recent weeks could have a simple explanation -- as simple as a bright star low on the horizon, or the planet Venus. "I'm not saying that's the case, but it is one possibility," Sine said.
The Alberta UFO Research Association has a web site at http://ume.med.ucalgary.ca/~watanabe/ufo.html
According to talk radio personality Art Bell on his Sunday evening program "Dreamland" of January 28, many people have been sending him faxes from Mexico claiming a new wave of sightings in that country.
Mexico has been in the grip of an historic UFO flap since the day of the solar eclipse in 1991. Since then, dozens of daylight sightings have been captured on videotape and thousands of people have reported seeing clear, seemingly metallic structured objects in the sky in many parts of the country. Though little reported in the U.S., Mexican print and television news has covered the sightings extensively. One of Mexico's top television newsmen, Jaime Maussan, has made a personal crusade out of trying to get to the bottom of Mexico's UFO mystery.
Now, if Bell's claim is true, a new wave of sightings may be occurring in Mexico. At press time, ISCNI*Flash has no further information on these claims. Any reader who sends reliable information on these sightings will be much appreciated. [Email Flash editor Michael Lindemann at ISCNIMikeL@aol.com]
[ISCNI*Flash thanks MrBungl111@aol for the following information.]
Correspondent Ross Dowe in Australia says the National UFO and Sighting Hotline has received a number of calls since the January 7th. Many claimed to have seen an aerial object that beams a bright light at least 100 meters wide to the ground.
On Sunday, January 7 at 8:20 pm local time in Central East Northern Territory, a cattle station hand sighted in daylight a "battleship grey object," reportedly 100 feet wide by 40 feet high, with a box shape underneath measuring approximately 25 feet wide by 6 feet high. Estimated altitude was 130 feet. The top of the object seemed to be spinning very fast while the bottom was not moving. It emitted vapour and a smell like "steam off hot metal" and there was "a whirlwind or vortex underneath near wild livestock." The station hand, an ex-Marine and UN force member, reported that "the cattle and wild horses were transfixed [by] the object." He said he quickly evacuated the area, but managed to take some photos of the object.
A call on Tuesday, January 16 at approximately 11:30 pm local in Cairns, Queensland, reported an object at about 2 kilometers altitude emitting a shaft of light from its underside. The object appeared to "expel a gas or vapour from its sides and seemed to be about 2-300 meters in width. The beam emitted was about 150-250 meters wide." Reportedly the object moved up and down the white shaft of light in the East over the sea.
On Thursday, January 18 at approximately 10.30 [pm?] in Redland Bay, Queensland, callers reported sighting a "large green object" emitting a beam of white light downward in a "A-shape." The object appeared to be "about 2-300 meters" across with the beam of light about 100 meters across.
Again on Friday, January 19 at about 2:30 am at Millnmeran, Queensland, a caller witnessed a large object about 1-2 kilometers away. South East East. The report estimated the object at 200 meters across and multi-coloured, emitting a beam of light about 1-200 meters wide over a large creek in the area. The object appeared to be about 800 meters up.
"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest... This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."
By Professor Stanley V. McDaniel
Author of The McDaniel Report
Since publication of The McDaniel Report on the Mars anomalies (the Face and other features) in 1994, events surrounding the question of artificial objects on Mars have accelerated. New research is being undertaken, more information is being disseminated, and NASA has apparently been moved to abandon at least one of its long-standing arguments on the subject (the argument that images exist showing that the 'Face on Mars' is nothing but a trick of lighting).
At the same time, as the launch of the Mars Global Surveyor draws nearer (November 1996), there are indications that NASA's underlying stance remains unchanged. In particular, inconclusive "assurances" that new images of the debated landforms at Cydonia would be taken have been issued by the Mars Global Surveyor Camera Principal Investigator. These "assurances," which may appear encouraging, suffer from the fact that appropriately high priorities for such new images are not assigned or discussed.
NASA's overall policy is one of giving high priority only to objects of high "scientific interest," and the debated objects are considered by the Camera Principal Investigator (Dr. Michael C. Malin) as of "moderate to low" scientific interest. The net result is that despite "assurances" that the debated objects are "in the camera target database" the chances that they will receive the degree of advance planning necessary to ensure success are slim.
It is imperative, then, that NASA should upgrade its priorities for the Cydonia objects for the Mars Global Surveyor mission. In The McDaniel Report there are a series of recommendations aimed at accomplishing this. Below is the text of those recommendations. Readers are encouraged to send copies to the addressees below. Also address and send this letter to your own congressional representatives. You may also send the letter to Dr. Michael Malin at malin@esther.la.asu.edu. An ASCII version of this text is available on the Compuserve ISSUES forum, section 10, and will also be posted in the ISCNI Library at America Online.
For further information see "The McDaniel Report Newsletter" Web page at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mcdrpt.
Daniel Goldin, Director, NASA
300 E St. SW
Washington DC 20546
Michael C. Malin
Malin Space Science Systems
PO Box 919148, San Diego CA 92101-0148
Dear Sirs,
In view of the evidence cited in the publications listed below, indicating there is a reasonable, even if small, possibility that some objects in the Cydonia region of Mars may be artificial; and in consideration of the importance of such a discovery for humanity should this possibility be verified; and in consideration of the fact that the camera for the Mars Global Surveyor is under the control of a private contractor with proprietary rights (Dr. Michael C. Malin of Malin Space Science Systems): I urge NASA, JPL, and Dr. Malin to implement the recommendations from The McDaniel Report reproduced here.
Only in this way can NASA restore public confidence in NASA's stated policy of openness, which has been brought into question by various misstatements made by NASA regarding the debated landforms, and maximize the probability of obtaining new high resolution images of those landforms.
1. Priority Level: NASA and the Mars Global Surveyor Camera Principal Investigator, by agreement, will assign a level of priority to the suspect landforms that will ensure the obtaining of high-resolution photographs of those landforms, using all means at their disposal, subject only to uncertainties beyond their control. This high priority level will be entered into the imaging Target Data Base and taken into consideration in mission sequencing.
2. Area Coverage: The Principal Investigator will plan for and initiate high-resolution imaging sequences on every occasion during which the spacecraft groundtrack is within the area from 8 to 10 degrees longitude, such that the image strips include the area 40.4 to 41.2 degrees N. latitude.
3. Limited Waiver of Proprietary Rights: In consideration of the public interest in this area and of the possible importance to humanity of the resulting images, the camera Principal Investigator will follow the precedent of earlier missions by waiving the proprietary restrictions for release of data in the case of imaging data gathered during camera passes over the specified area.
4. Advance Notice to the Public: The scientific community and the general public will be given prompt advance notice, within the constraints of predictability, as to when each such pass will occur, in order to prepare to receive the data. Among the avenues for such notice will be the Internet.
5. Prompt Release of Data: The raw data for the specific area indicated above will be released to scientists and to the public upon receipt at JPL with no time delay. Video image conversion of data received in the same passes will be released in a continuous stream to NASA Select-TV, PBS, and others who desire to receive it. High priority will be given to the processing of such data and the processed data (in the form of images) will be released to the public immediately upon completion.
Carlotto, Mark J., "Digital Imagery Analysis of Unusual Martian Surface Features." Applied Optics, Vol. 27, No. 10 (1988).
Carlotto, Mark J. And Stein, M. C., "A Method for Searching for Artificial Objects on Planetary Surfaces." Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 43 No. 5 (May 1990).
Carlotto, Mark J., The Martian Enigmas: A Closer Look. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA (1991). Telephone (510) 559-8277.
Carlotto, Mark J., World Wide Web Page at http://www.psrw.com/~markc/mars.html.
Crater, Horace W., "A Statistical Study of Angular Placements of Features on Mars." Paper delivered to The Society for Scientific Exploration, June 15 1995.
DiPietro, V., Molenaar, G., \& Brandenburg, J., Unusual Mars Surface Features. Mars Research, PO Box 284, Glenn Dale, MD 20769. (First edition 1982; fourth edition, 1988.)
DiPietro, V., Molenaar, G., and Brandenburg, J., "The Cydonia Hypothesis.." Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 5, No. 1, pages 1-25 (1991).
Erjavec, J., "The Geomorphology and Geology of a Portion of the Cydonia Region of Mars: a New Interpretation." Unpublished. For copies contact The McDaniel Report, 1055 W. College Ave., Santa Rosa CA 95401.
McDaniel, Stanley V., The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. North Atlantic Press, Berkeley CA (1994).
McDaniel, Stanley V., The McDaniel Report Newsletter, Web page at
O'Leary, B., "Analysis of Images of the Face on Mars and Possible Intelligent Origin." Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 43 No. 5 (May 1990).
Torun, Erol, "The Geomorphology and Geometry of the D & M Pyramid." (1988). Appendices A and B added June and August 1989. Published electronically on the Compuserve Issues Forum, section 10 (files PYRAMID.RSH, PYRA1.RSH, PYRAM3.RSH).
[ISCNI*Flash thanks Rebecca Schatte for forwarding this story, which appeared in FLORIDA TODAY on January 12, 1996.]
Apollo-14 Astronaut Searches for the Truth
By Billy Cox, FLORIDA TODAY staff
With the 25th anniversary of Apollo-14 coming up, the sixth man to walk on the moon hopes to swing the spotlight onto a more contemporary agenda -- pressing for the declassification of government records on unidentified flying objects.
If his suspicions are true, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell says the lid of secrecy engages nothing less than "criminal culpability".
Mitchell, 65, returned to the Space Coast recently to do location shots for an "NBC Dateline" retrospective on the Apollo 14 adventure.
At the highlight of that mission -- Jan. 31-Feb. 9, 1971 -- Mitchell and Alan Shepard spent 33 hours roving the desolate lunar hills of Fra Mauro.
It was there that Mitchell first courted an avant-garde reputation by conducting off-the-clock mental telepathy experiments by transmitting symbolic images to an acquaintance in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, Mitchell left the astronaut corps and founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences in an effort to integrate various scientific disciplines into the study of human consciousness.
Mitchell's upcoming book, "The Way of Explorers", will address the latest research upon its release in April. Perhaps because of the imminent publicity, Mitchell found himself invited to a private meeting of former government/military officials hoping to recruit his visibility for their most peculiar campaign.
"These were people who, in their official capacity, had an opportunity in the course of their duties to have ET (extraterrestrial) contact," Mitchell says. "The purpose of the meeting was not to convince anybody else of their stories, but to get people released from their security oaths with regard to these phenomena. Given who they were, and their credentials, I have to tell you it pushed my confidence level up five notches."
Taking a break from the NBC taping, the MIT-educated former Navy captain relaxed at the Villa Roma restaurant in Rockledge and rolled his own imported tobacco. He expressed his "total disbelief" in a recent U.S. Air Force report attributing the alleged crash of an ET spacecraft in New Mexico in 1947 to a classified military balloon.
Last summer, the General Accounting Office announced the failure of its 18-month effort to acquire the dispensation records of the debris from that celebrated event. In 1994, the Air Force admitted that it initially lied about the wreckage in order to conceal a balloon-based nuclear-monitoring system called Project Mogul. But -- unable to produce the paperwork on the retrieval in question -- USAF officials based their case on circumstantial arguments.
"I am convinced there is a small body of valid (UFO) information, and that there is a body of information 10 times as big that is total disinformation put out by the source to confuse the whole issue," says Mitchell.
"The information is now held primarily by a body of semi- or quasi-private organizations that have kinda spun off from the military intelligence organizations of the past. Just like we build a rocket through a private contractor, there have been private groups involved with this issue for a number of years because they have the expertise.
"The dangerous part is, they're still operating under a black budget, which has been estimated at over $30 billion a year. And nobody knows what goes into black budgets. The prime requisite is security first and everything else second. Imagine an organization that has a black budget, an unquestioned source of funds, reports to no one, and has this exotic technology that they can keep to themselves and play with."
Mitchell, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper, and some 20,000 Americans have signed the Roswell Declaration, a grass-roots petition calling for an executive order to release UFO documents to the public. Mitchell, however, stresses he has no first-hand knowledge of the existence of recovered ET artifacts. And during his Apollo-era training, the subject of UFOs never arose.
"NASA at that time was so sure there were no such things, there was no discussion of it," he says. "I would say, however, that if there was knowledge of ET contact existing within the government, and we were sent into space blind and dumb to such information, I think it it a case of criminal culpability."
"To send us up there? Into a what-if scenario? If the evidence is real, and we were led to believe no such thing was possible? To me, that's criminal."
He says he's looking forward to the discussions his new book will generate. "We're talking about a revolution. It's a mind-blower."
[This story appeared in the Electronic Telegraph on January 18, written by Robert Uhlig, Technology Correspondent.]
After spending a year scouring 200 solar systems for signs of extra-terrestrial beings, astronomers have found indisputable proof of intelligent life -- in the kitchen below their telescope.
For four months last year Peter Backus, of Project Phoenix in California, believed that he was listening to messages from outer space via the 64-metre Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
The telescope, the biggest in the southern hemisphere, picked up a distinctive but inexplicable radio signal around 2.4 gigahertz at about the same time each evening that could not be explained.
However, a thorough investigation revealed that the scientists were not listening to little green men whispering through space. Instead, they were eavesdropping on frozen dinners cooking in the microwave oven downstairs.
"It was pretty loud," Dr. Backus told the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Antonio [last] week. "One time I tracked one signal for two hours. I couldn't rule it out as human noise," he said.
Dr. Backus said that a note had since been stuck to the microwave asking staff not to use it while the telescope is operating.
Project Phoenix researchers used a new automated system to sift human noise from alien signals, but still encountered several false alarms.
Many of the most promising signals were from satellites.
Another hopeful electromagnetic buzz came from the farthest possible source of human noise: the transmitter on the Pioneer 10 space probe, six billion miles from Earth.
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